Training Calendar Authentic Conversations Real resultsEvery Wednesday in the Aurora Board Room from 3:00pm to 4:00pm. Contact Andrew or Wayne to register 5 days prior. Daily Kickstart CallMonday through Friday 9:00am to 10:00am Click on the Image to reserve your spot and join the meeting!Join Dylan Silbernagel and Mike Russo every weekday for your inspirational daily kickstart to your day! Situational Objection HandlingJoin Melissa Taylor Monday to Friday at 8:30am through Zoom. KWRC Training Calendar KWRC Training Calendar Tony Robbins: Kick Off 2025 Strong:Don’t miss out on this, because during the Peak Performance Workshop, you will: Learn to execute Tony Robbins’ proven strategies to produce life changing results in your career, relationships and life. Take the wheel of life assessment to close the gaps between where you are and where you want to be. Learn pattern breaking techniques to determine a clear target of what you want in every area of life. Complete a goal setting exercise to uncover the driving force that propels you toward your goals. And a ton more needle-moving activities To Register Click Here